The powerful Coronavirus pandemic is evoking the kind of fear that many of us have never experienced. That’s why we must manage this fear by making positive changes in our life.
When government buildings, educational institutions, local establishments, sports and social events began to close, it became apparent that the Coronavirus was more significant than we anticipated. And then, when Canada closed its borders, new fear and distress triggered us as we realized the severe impact of this virus.

Understanding what you are feeling.
Most of us are sitting on the edge of our seats daily, socially isolated, and observing what is happening around us in disbelief. Just when we think it can't get any worse, it does. Considering the gravity of this situation, feeling fear is reasonable; it's an emotional reaction to what’s happening.
Fear is a controlling emotion that can be paralyzing if managed ineffectively. The world, as we know it, has drastically changed, creating anxiety in our lives. It is due to the current unknown Coronavirus environment, which has effectively placed us out of our comfort zone. Many of us struggle with or avoid change. We want to plan for change whenever possible; we don't like to be caught off guard because it magnifies our unease.
How can you manage Coronavirus fear?
To manage fear, we must regulate our emotions and realize that our power is closely linked to our behaviour. The way we allow a situation to impact our emotional state will determine how it affects us. Separating fear from fact is paramount. Knowledge is power, so learning the facts is critical when confronting fear. Once we understand the realities, accepting the restrictions placed upon us is more comfortable. At that point, we recognize our actions and behaviour are for the greater good of society. Internalizing this helps us rationalize our current predicament. It's all about balancing emotion and logic.
To help with this process, I recommend working on strategies to accept the fact that change is just around the corner. The Coronavirus is not going away tomorrow, so it’s important we plan today to work with it as it continues to unfold.
Simple ways to deal with cabin fever.
Believe it or not, our fear is related to cabin fever! Many of us are experiencing cabin fever caused by the directed social distancing, that restricts our daily routine with compulsory isolation. Depending on our communication style and personality, we will be impacted differently; many of us are not comfortable being isolated, especially if we are extroverted.
It's essential to keep in mind, emotions guide our feelings and behaviour. Knowing this allows us to strategize and work through cabin fever and anything else that creates negativity in our lives.
If you are feeling negative emotions and anguish related to social distancing; such as irritability, boredom, hopelessness, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating I’d recommend you try these helpful ways to manage, as outlined by Kristen Rogers;
- Establish a routine
- Mix up your space a bit
- Stay physically and mentally active
- Connect with others
- But find time to separate, too
- Embrace discomfort
Remember, Abraham Lincoln once said, "This too shall pass." During this unprecedented time, practise your positive self-talk and continue to smile, laugh and be the very best version of yourself. We are all in this together! Be sure to check out many more motivational blogs here.
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