Legacy is a topic I'm fascinated with. I have written several articles about it, have a chapter dedicated to it in my book Giving Back, How to Find Your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others, and I invest time regularly contemplating my life and the power of my legacy.
Measuring Your Living Legacy: The True Value of Your Investments
What you say about me when I die is intriguing and very important to me while I'm alive.
What Does Legacy Mean?
Legacy ( leg ∙ a ∙ cy ) | noun
Something (memories or knowledge) that comes from the past, or a person of the past
This definition underlines that the foundation of our legacy is built by the words and actions that leave a lasting impression on others.
Why Building Your Legacy Every Day Is Vital
We can choose to live purposefully rather than glancing back with regret. Each day is a fresh opportunity to use our power and write the next chapter of our legacy.
By giving to others unconditionally, you will be a role model, respected, and seen as an inspiring individual who creates and spreads joy throughout life. In many ways, you give back the values that others gave you.
We all have the power to make a difference by passing those values on to those around us daily in what I call our "living legacy."
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Last year, in preparation for speaking at Mohawk College's Business convocation, I reflected on my life and living legacy. During my speech, I said, "You are the author of your life – you hold your destiny in the palm of your hand, and you have total control of your success."
This quote demonstrates real power and resonates with me because if we focus on our living legacy, we will take more thoughtful and deliberate actions. Our actions always speak louder than our words.
The Power of Now
Reflecting on your life's path is critical to gaining perspective on life's opportunities and achievements. It's always okay to change our path and revisit building our legacy.
We can't change the past; however, we have the power to control the life we live today – which is a beautiful gift – it is the power of the present.
Seriously consider your legacy today. Take the time to reflect on the life you are living. Take advantage of the Power of Now, and visualize your future to ensure you carve out your legacy with intention. I recently did just that and wrote my second book, The Power of Emotion.
This article was originally published on July 14, 2018, and has been updated (July 2023).
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