Next Steps Articles

We hope you enjoy Marshall Connects' Next Steps Articles!

Mindful Reactions: How Often Do You Let Anger Take the Lead

Understanding our emotions is crucial, as they serve a purpose in sending us vital messages. Through emotional intelligence and self-management, it’s critical to strategically manage feelings like anger, treating it as a valid and useful emotion. With strategic timing, we can better navigate and respond to situations without letting anger take the lead.

Nurturing Your Mental Health and Well-being: Strategies for Practicing Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is crucial to our overall well-being and mental health. We must focus on strategies as simple as using positive self-talk to reinforce self-compassion.

Holiday Cheer: The Healing Benefits of Smiling and Laughing

The healing benefits of smiling and laughing can boost our emotions to bring out the best during the holidays, a stressful time for many.

Rediscovering the Magic of Smiles and Laughter During the Holidays

We're approaching the holiday season, which tends to heighten anxiety and emotions. Believe in the magical benefits of smiling and laughing to enjoy the holidays.

The Silent Communicator: Deciphering the Impact of Your Body Language

Did you know that non-verbal cues like body language impact our communication and shape our daily interactions, relationships, and emotions through self-awareness? Discovering the powerful language of our body can transform our personal and professional lives.

Finding Strength in Vulnerability: The Power of Leaning into Discomfort

Avoiding discomfort to prevent challenges like feeling life's physical, emotional, and mental distress is normal. However, this behaviour negatively affects our growth, development and success.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

Sign up now for monthly tips to build your Emotional Intelligence and reduce Emotional Hijacking!

We’re proud to say we’ve done some wonderful work with some wonderful community-minded organizations.

  • Pearson Dunn Insurance Inc.

  • Budds' BMW Hamilton

  • Hamilton Arts Council

  • Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Mohawk College

  • OBIA

  • Physique Fitness


  • McMaster University - Student Success Centre

  • Hamilton Family Health Team

  • AllerGen
  • Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair Ltd.
  • Nielsen
  • PCL Construction
  • Royal Bank
  • Wesley Urban Ministries
  • North Hamilton Community Health Centre