The Marshall Connects Blog

Displaying posts in Motivational

Mood Mysteries: What's Really Behind Your Unexpected Happiness

Mood Mysteries: What's Really Behind Your Unexpected Happiness

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

Moods profoundly affect our health, quality of life, and decision-making, and their impact can be positive or negative. Interestingly, moods aren't the same as emotions; basically, they're long-term emotional states.

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Workplace Dynamics: Why Being Heard is More Important Than Ever

Workplace Dynamics: Why Being Heard is More Important Than Ever

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

If you want to keep employees engaged at work, offer open communication with access to leaders at every level in the organization. Ensuring that every employee's voice is heard is essential for creating a thriving and productive workplace.

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Breaking the Chains of Perfection: Your Journey to a Happier You

Breaking the Chains of Perfection: Your Journey to a Happier You

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

Many of us spend much of our time striving to be perfect. Personally, seeking perfection served me well for many years, until I realized that if I focus on excellence perfection is irrelevant.

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Building a Harmonious Team: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Members

Building a Harmonious Team: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Members

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

How often do you find yourself avoiding the difficult task of addressing challenging team members' behaviours? Instead of sidestepping these issues, investing time and effort into developing these relationships can transform your team dynamics. By effectively managing difficult team members, you can build a more cohesive, harmonious, and high-performing team.

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Cool Down and Sleep On It: The Secret to Rational Responses

Cool Down and Sleep On It: The Secret to Rational Responses

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

Our emotions send us many vital messages that, in turn, trigger thoughts and feelings. So, we must have a strategy with a rational and calm response when faced with life’s challenges.

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Empowerment from Within: Practical Steps to Enhance Self-Compassion

Empowerment from Within: Practical Steps to Enhance Self-Compassion

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

When it comes to compassion, many lack the emotional intelligence skills to shift their focus on self-care and embrace self-compassion to boost mental health.

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Unveiling the Ripple Effect: Ways to Observe How Your Emotions Impact Others

Unveiling the Ripple Effect: Ways to Observe How Your Emotions Impact Others

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

Emotions are powerful and can quickly influence our mood, behaviour, and those around us, including employees and team members. We must learn to control our feelings, especially in the workplace.

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Embracing Mindfulness: A Pathway to a More Meaningful Life

Embracing Mindfulness: A Pathway to a More Meaningful Life

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

Did you know that studies show our minds wander nearly 47% of the time? This constant distraction can leave us feeling disconnected and overwhelmed. Do you spend time focusing on the present and living in the moment? If so, you're practicing mindfulness, a powerful antidote to the unwanted side effects of a fast-paced lifestyle, something I refer to as the 'Drive-By Life' phenomenon.

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Emotional Contagion in Relationships: What Do You Radiate?

Emotional Contagion in Relationships: What Do You Radiate?

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Insights, Motivational, News

Have you ever noticed how someone's mood can quickly affect the atmosphere in a room? It's crucial to appreciate the impact of emotional contagion on others. Emotions are a significant driver of our behaviour and are hard-wired to cause us to react before considering the situation rationally. Therefore, understanding and effectively managing emotional contagion is essential to developing emotional intelligence and fostering healthier relationships.

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The Whisper of Emotions: Decoding the Crucial Signals They Send

The Whisper of Emotions: Decoding the Crucial Signals They Send

Posted in Insights, Motivational, News

From the moment we wake until we close our eyes, we experience various feelings and emotions. Both are vital and communicate helpful messages about the world around us - we must work to understand and not judge them.

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