The Emotionally Effective Leader Workshop

Posted in Upcoming Events, News, Emotional Intelligence

Emotionally Effective Leadership is a NEW, comprehensive one-day Marshall Connects workshop that will equip you with valuable tools to enhance your effectiveness as a leader.

How To Be an Emotionally Effective Leader

Emotionally Intelligent leaders employ specific emotional and social skills to impact the way they perceive and express themselves, develop and maintain relationships, and cope with everyday challenges. Here’s your opportunity to sharpen a new leadership intelligence edge.

Event Particulars

DATE: May 1, 2018
LOCATION: The Hamilton Club | Map ›
TIME: 9am - 5pm | Two beverage breaks & lunch included
FEE: $699.00 including EQ-i 2.0: Self-Assessment OR
$499.00 for those who have already completed the Self-Assessment


Workshop Overview:

Leveraging results from leaders’ EQ-i 2.0 ® Leadership Reports, participants of this session will explore the role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership. They’ll leave with a better understanding of their areas of strength and will develop an action plan on how to increase the effectiveness of their leadership. The facilitator will incorporate both group activities and individual reflective exercises in this engaging full-day learning experience.

To be completed PRIOR to this workshop:

Emotional Intelligence Competencies

Emotionally Effective Leadership Competencies

  • I took an EQ-i 2.0: Leadership Assessment and coaching sessions with Linda Marshall. The results far exceeded my expectations. Linda went through my assessment and explained the meaning of the results, and gave me tools to improve my score. During the follow-up sessions, Linda went beyond the EQ-i assessment and provided me with advice and tools to enhance those aspects of my personality I wanted to develop more. I am looking forward to the next session.
    - Alex Komashchenko, MBA, CPA, CA, CIA, CFE, Internal Audit Project Leader at Statistics Canada

Program Objectives

  • Increase participants' understanding of emotional intelligence and its role in effective leadership
  • Create understanding of emotional intelligence using the EQ-i 2.0 model as a platform
  • Enable participants to identify specific areas in their own EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Reports they could improve upon
  • Build an action plan to work on areas to develop further and leverage strengths

Program Deliverables

Upon completion of this session, participants will:

    • Increase participants' understanding of emotional intelligence and its role in effective leadership
    • Explore key areas of leadership in relation to emotional intelligence
    • Create understanding of emotional intelligence using the EQ-i 2.0 model as a platform
    • Enable participants to identify specific areas in their own EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Reports they could improve upon
    • Identify and understand how aspects of emotional intelligence lead to derailing behaviors
    • Build an action plan to leverage strengths, and identify areas that could benefit from further development

Program Registration

Complete this form today to reserve your seat. We’ll confirm within 24 hours.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

Sign up now for monthly tips to build your Emotional Intelligence and reduce Emotional Hijacking!

We’re proud to say we’ve done some wonderful work with some wonderful community-minded organizations.

  • Pearson Dunn Insurance Inc.

  • Budds' BMW Hamilton

  • Hamilton Arts Council

  • Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Mohawk College

  • OBIA

  • Physique Fitness


  • McMaster University - Student Success Centre

  • Hamilton Family Health Team

  • AllerGen
  • Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair Ltd.
  • Nielsen
  • PCL Construction
  • Royal Bank
  • Wesley Urban Ministries
  • North Hamilton Community Health Centre