Powerful Lessons we can Learn from the Coronavirus

Posted in News, Insights, Motivational, Emotional Intelligence, COVID-19

The Coronavirus has shaken our world, dispensing fear and negativity, affecting our physical, mental, and emotional health. However, we have the opportunity to turn this into a positive lesson.  

Fear is a real emotion; it's easier to follow the crowd during times like this than take the time to view what's happening logically. Working through the trials, tribulations, and the unknown that accompany the Coronavirus will undoubtedly make us more resilient if we are open to learning the challenging lessons it brings. 

Powerful Lessons we can Learn from the Coronavirus, Marshall Connects

Take lemons and make them into lemonade

This pandemic won't last forever, so instead of focusing on negativity, let's grow, reflect, and embrace the lessons here. Seriously, we can become more robust and better human beings at the end of this crisis if we commit to focusing on the positive. 

4 helpful lessons to manage Coronavirus stress

Lesson 1 - Practise Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is a powerful antidote to a confused, chaotic, distracted, stressed out and ineffective mind. Practising mindfulness during this difficult time will help you focus on or notice your thoughts and emotions as they occur, as well as those of others.

Practising mindfulness can be adopted into every aspect of your life and is a practice that requires focused attention, compassion, and patience.

Lesson 2 - Emotions Send us Critical Messages

Our emotions are running high amid these challenging times, with fear dominating many of us. As we navigate the complexities of the Coronavirus, we must be kind to others and practise self-compassion. Understanding the messages our emotions send us is essential, especially if we want to remain in control of them.

Remember, the more you pay attention to your feelings and question them, the more self-aware you'll become. 

Lesson 3 - Optimism and Mindset are Vital 

More recently, negativity has invaded our thoughts due to this overwhelming situation. We must change our daily narrative through our mindset and focus on the positives. Many of us don't realize the power of our mindset. Optimism is the foundation of resilience, and it's pivotal to good health. When we are positive and hopeful, we reduce stress and promote happiness. 

Harness the power of positivity by focusing on what you can control and influence rather than your limitations. Keeping your perspective positive will allow you to be open to learning lessons from your Coronavirus experience. 

Lesson 4 - Turn Gratitude into Joy

Both gratitude and joy play a significant part in our lives. Practising gratitude from the moment we wake can genuinely make a difference in how joyful life is. 

Gratitude helps us focus on what is working well, which keeps us feeling positive. Many of us are hard-wired to focus on the challenges or negative aspects of our lives. This attitude can create anxiety and a negative mindset, stealing our joy. 

Practise gratitude daily using the steps below. It will help you create a new routine that reflects on the goodness in life. 

Simple ways to practise gratitude:

  • Focus on all of the positive aspects of your life. Think about things you're grateful for – big and small. When you concentrate on what you have, you're sending a positive message to yourself and others. 
  • Speak about your abundance. Share with others what you're thankful for in your life. 
  • Cultivate your relationships with others with gratitude. The healthier your relationships with others, the less stress in your life and the happier and more appreciative you will be.

As life moves on, the Coronavirus will too. Yes, the good news and lesson is this will not last forever. Let's navigate this pandemic and become more resilient by the end of it. We can do this by keeping it positive! Be sure to check out many more motivational blogs here.

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