Change and Grow: Embracing the Possibilities Around the Corner

Posted in Insights, Motivational, News

 Adapting to change can be challenging because it affects our control and disrupts our life, including our routines, comfort zones, and established patterns. However, our personal growth depends on our ability to accept the challenge that change is just around the corner.

Change Ahead: How to Embrace the Transformations Just Around the Corner

How comfortable are you with change? Do you find it difficult or exciting? Changing their routine and moving from their comfort zones can be challenging for many.

Marshall Connects article, Change and Grow: Embracing the Possibilities Around the Corner

Our brains naturally prefer stability and predictability, so when faced with change, we may experience feelings of uncertainty, fear, and resistance. Additionally, the change affects our control and often requires us to adapt, learn new things, and leave behind the familiar, which can be mentally and emotionally challenging. However, with time and effort, we can gradually adapt to change and embrace new routines and opportunities it may bring.

Every day things happen that we didn't expect or plan. The only control we have is how we handle change. The most helpful self-awareness strategy to assist us with adjusting is to ‘accept that change is just around the corner.’ There are two types of change – the kind we plan for and the kind that surprises us.

Can You Commit To Change?

For instance, adding exercise into your daily routine, developing new habits, starting your own business or repairing a relationship are all changes we can plan and place in our realm of control. 

Determination and commitment to knowing the road may have a few bumps in it will be your most significant assets. Change can bring out tendencies such as avoidance, procrastination and sometimes fear. One of the biggest challenges we face is committing to change. Before you invest, the first and most crucial step is to embrace the change and be willing to adjust that routine. It must become your highest priority and main focus to move forward.

What About The Kind Of Change That Takes Us By Surprise?

Situations, including new management at work, a new project on our desk, and our kids reaching a new stage in their development, are examples of change that take us by surprise. Certainly, "change is necessary and inevitable" for individuals and businesses to flourish in today's fast-paced world. We must overcome the fear that change drives and begin to embrace it. Most people can adapt to change, even if it is initially difficult. Remember, often, past experiences indicate adjusting was for the better; it opened doors and provided opportunities or lessons that weren't there before. One thing that can make change difficult is a negative attitude toward it, which affects your mindset and the outcome.

Preparing For Change Is Essential.

The best way to deal with change successfully is to prepare for it! We know we have no control over everything in our lives. People change, and our personal and professional lives change regularly; therefore, allowing ourselves to anticipate change stops us from dealing with strong emotions such as shock, fear, surprise, and disappointment when change occurs. 

An exercise I recommend when facilitating emotional intelligence presentations or consulting is to spend time regularly preparing for change. Begin by generating a list of significant changes that could happen in your personal and professional lives and some actions you may take if the change happens. This contemplation and problem-solving will strengthen your skills and make you more flexible and adaptive.

Ways  to Prepare For Change Checklist

Here are some suggestions to prepare you for change:

  • Acknowledge the Change: Recognize that change is inevitable and a part of life. Accepting this fact can help you mentally prepare for upcoming changes.
  • Understand the Change: Take the time to understand the nature and reasons behind the change. Knowing the "why" can provide context and make accepting it easier.
  • Embrace a Positive Mindset: Approach the change positively. Focus on the potential benefits and opportunities the change may bring, even if it initially feels uncomfortable.
  • Be Flexible and Open-Minded: Embrace flexibility and open-mindedness. Understand that there might be multiple ways to approach the change, and be willing to adapt your perspective and actions.
  • Seek Support: Talk to friends, family, or colleagues about the upcoming change. Sharing your feelings and concerns can provide emotional support and valuable insights.
  • Plan and Set Goals: Create a plan for navigating the change and setting achievable goals. Breaking down the process into smaller steps can make it more manageable.
  • Learn and Acquire New Skills: If the change requires new skills or knowledge, invest time in learning and self-improvement. This practice can boost your confidence and ability to handle the transition.
  • Take Care of Yourself: During times of change, prioritizing self-care is essential. Ensure you get enough rest, eat well, exercise, and engage in activities that bring you joy.
  • Be Patient: Adjusting to change takes time, so be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to process emotions and give yourself room to adapt at your own pace.
  • Reflect and Learn: After the change has occurred, reflect on the experience. Consider what you've learned and how you've grown through the process. This reflection can be valuable for future changes.

Reasons Change Is Good For You:

The following reasons why change is good were published in the Huffington Post by Amber Rose Monaco, Founder of Climb Out of The Cubicle:

  1. You are pushed out of your comfort zone.
  2. You get to experience more.
  3. You get to find out who you really are.
  4. It makes you more flexible and adaptable.
  5. You have more fun.

Here are a few more areas where I experienced the positive benefits of change:

  • Personal Growth
  • Overcoming Fears
  • Expanded Perspectives
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Improved Decision-Making
  • Enhanced Empathy
  • Better Time Management
  • Heightened Self-Awareness
  • Increased Confidence
  • Strengthened Relationships
  • Emotional Resilience
While change can be challenging, embracing it can lead to significant personal growth, increased resilience, and a more fulfilling life. By being proactive and maintaining a positive outlook, you can better prepare yourself to handle the changes that come your way. We can discover new possibilities and opportunities for our own development and happiness through change.

Remember, when you anticipate and prepare for a change in routine and habits, you become empowered and can turn your anxiety into action.  I discuss this topic in my book, The Power of Emotion, A Practical Guide to Making The Most Of Your Emotional Intelligence. Be sure to check out many more motivational blogs here.

This article was originally published on January 3, 2017, and has been updated (August 2023).

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